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Thursday, November 8, 2012


I have finally arrived at my mid-service conference. It's been over a year since I came to this country and I have to say it has been nothing less than a ride on a grade 5 rapid (see my story of rafting the Nile). One of the main things we were asked to do prior to this conference was to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've accomplished.

Here are a few things I feel I have really accomplished here:

GirlTech - Where I taught epidemiology, nutrition, and got to shoot off over 30 bottle rockets, helping foster an interest in science and technology within secondary school girls.

Nutritional Training for nurses/midwives working with people living with HIV

Peace Camp - Where I got to work with the most inspiring youth in reconciliation, team building, and forgiveness activities

Uganda's Young Stars - My claim to fame, where I get to help foster creativity, free-thinking, critical thinking and writing skills for youth who may have no other way to express themselves

Sometimes I wake up wondering if I've made an impact. It's these kinds of reflections that really help me realize that I am making a difference, even if it is a small one. Whenever I think to myself, I am doing nothing in Uganda, I stop and open my eyes and my thought changes to:  I AM doing something in Uganda and people notice the difference I am making.

That's when my decision to come to Uganda and join Peace Corps is re-affirmed.